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"Dedicated to providing special athletes with the opportunity to share in the fun of skiing and snowboarding"


Adaptive Sports Program at Mountain Creek

Photo Gallary

Nick Cerrato inspired the creation of ASP-MC

The Board of Directors of the ASP-MC

ASP-MC Advisory Comittee gets President Bill Benneyan's approval

The 1st Planning Meeting Attendees in 2014

John Swartwood instructs in lift evacuation drill

Chuck Wallace with MC Ski Patrollers preparing evacuation

Chuck Wallace practices adaptive lift evacuation

John Swartwood, Buffy Whiting & Susanne Ebling plan to test lifts

John & Susanne develop plan to enter Cab lift

John works on lift exiting under watchful eye of Ski Patrol

John enjoys a run down the slopes at MC

Buffy & Susanne discuss technique with John

John leads a volunteer instructor training session

John discusses the proper adjustment of a mono-ski

John demonstrates the proper way to adjust an outrigger

The volunteer instructors practice what they have learned

Copyright (c) 2015 Dr. John T. Whiting
All Rights Reserved